Friday, 6 April 2012

Who would be the audience for your media product? Question 4

It's important to know the audience for our film because that way we know what we can put in our film for our target audience and what we can't.

In this film, 'Hide and Seek' the female character is the threat. As she is only of a young age of about 8/9 it is quite unusual that she is the threat especially as the victim is her father, who is in his late 40's. This, therefore goes against gender and age stereotypes because males of an older age should be more of a threat then a young girl.This would suggest that the target audience is for females of 12 and above because they can relate and identify to the girl as she is a similar age to them.

The audience for our media product is 15. From all our IMBD research of the films that we watched the age was mostly 18 – 29. We are aiming the target audience for 15’s as it doesn’t contain enough graphic violence to be an 18 certificate. But if it was any less than the 15 certificate then a younger audience might find the ‘ghost’ in our film slightly disturbing and possibly find it quite frightening.

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