Thursday, 9 February 2012

Q2 (Part 2) - Reflective Evaluation Isabel Wong

(Part 2)
This is the leading actress we've chosen to act the girl ghost. She is our actress because she matches the convention of our sub-genre that the ghost in horror film is always a creepy looking young girl. As Katie is relatively thin and small in size, she is the most suitable person to act as a little girl ghost. Also the makeup she is wearing for filming has got main focuses on her eyes and face with her eyes black and face pale white. Furthermore, there are the ghost's whispering and eerie laughter in the film, these make the character of Katie to be more scary.
In the story, the girl is dead in Simon's house years ago and her restless spirit remains her in the house and starts haunting people. One day she takes Simon to a playground when he is asleep in order to play tricks on him. When Simon wakes up, all he sees is an empty playground, but then the swings move automatically which matches one of the conventions in our sub-genre. Also, we've planned to make use of 'things appearing and disappearing on their own' with the girl ghost keeps appearing, disappearing and reappearing.

I've done my target audience research with Sixth Sense, the table shows the target audience of the film is a younger group of people which is teenagers around 12. This helps us to plan our film more effectively, since we are close to this age group as well, we know what teenagers would love to have and see in a horror film. So we've chosen a story which is so close to daily life of teenagers in order to create their sense of mutual threat. Location we selected is a public playground which is easy to access, and a playground is also a place where teenagers might walk pass everyday. When they walk pass a playground, they might think of the horror story we've created. This is our strategy to add the elements of everyone's (especially teenagers) daily routine into our media production.

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